- 他有異性知己怎麼辦?(9740)
- 她不肯再跟我親熱,怎麼辦!?(6551)
- 如果你愛我就給我!(5582)
- 你會因為吃醋而痛苦嗎?(4255)
- 我男友一直想要上床!(3179)
- 和男朋友吵架怎麼辦?(3107)
- 天啊!她怎麼會答應我的告白(2903)
- 怎樣寫情書?(2285)
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- 我的男友常要我幫他手淫?(1474)
- 我們是朋友還是情人呢?(1371)
- 為什麼女生常問你愛我嗎?(1279)
- 我不想給男朋友親(1101)
- 女朋友男生緣太好怎麼辦?(1081)
- 他總是說沒有時間陪我(1002)
- 我不信任他怎麼辦?(967)
- 男友在當兵的痛苦(870)
- 我吃醋惹女朋友生氣怎麼辦?(807)
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- 我女友常找她的前男友,怎麼辦?(650)
- 我劈腿了怎麼辦?(510)
- 有男友了卻還忘不了以前喜歡的人...(368)
- 我什麼時候吃醋才對?(361)
2009年7月3日 星期五
張貼留言 (Atom)
2 則留言:
Could it be possible that the given " vision" (ought to be from god) is actually the same for the two? However one of them is "blind" and does not see the ight or the vision clearly (Acts 9:3-18, 22:6-21, 26:12-23), and the other has siritual and internal eyesight and sees not only the light but also the vision of rainbbow.So when the two are not sure if they should hoe for the marriage, asking God is always the most excellent way to find out (Judges 6:36-40). However, God's answer could possibly be unclear at once or at times. It might need time to find out what God's wil really is. The two should continue toseek God's will and not jump hastily into conclusion.